The Women of St. John’s met on September 3rd at 4:30 with 12 members present. After a devotion by Pastor Zeratsky, Jan Jonet opened the business meeting. In old business, we made final plans for the Work Bee planned for September 7th and for the 125th Anniversary weekend. Everything seems to be coming along very well!
In new business, a committee is working on a Protocol Manual to be used as a resource for various activities, such as funerals, baptisms, new members, communion, confirmation, etc. This manual will provide steps that need to be taken when something “comes up”. The committee will including the input of some of the older members who have been taking care of these activities for years.
The next meeting will take place on October 1st at 4:30. Snacks will be provided by Barb Chiamulera. Any new ideas or concerns are welcome. Hope to see you there!