The Light that Blinds for Sight (Acts 9.1-19a)
April 10th, 2016
Easter 3 C
Trust What You Can’t See (Gen 15.1-6)
April 3rd, 2016
Easter 2 C
The Light that Blinds for Sight (Acts 9.1-19a)
April 10th, 2016
Easter 3 C
Trust What You Can’t See (Gen 15.1-6)
April 3rd, 2016
Easter 2 C
Northdale Lutheran Church in Tampa, FL has called me to serve them as a Spanish-speaking pastor for their mission enhancement. I will spend some time learning about their ministry, deliberating, and praying about where I can best serve the Lord and his people. Please be praying for our ministries here at the TriParish and at Northdale and if you have any thoughts to share, feel free to reach out to me. God’s blessings! — Pastor Jason Liebenow
Due to cold temperatures, St. Paul’s and St. Mark’s will not have service on Jan 19, 2025.
Pastor Liebenow made a poor statement at St. John’s this Sunday. He said the goal of our outreach is not to invite people to church. For clarification, the goal is to make disciples of Jesus. Church attendance is a part of being a disciple, but it is not the only part and not necessarily the starting point. As we talked about in the sermon, the purpose of church attendance is giving all honor and glory, but many believe the purpose of church is feeling good, which can be done in many other ways. For that reason, it can be more helpful as a starting point to invite people to study the Scriptures with you or to have a spiritual conversation. It can also be more valuable to ask people if they have a pastor rather than if they have a church, as most people have no one who cares for them spiritually.
Salty Earth Pictures will be premiering their new movie “One by One” in Florence, WI on September 28. For more information, see their website:
Pastor Jason Liebenow has returned the Call to serve at Risen Savior Lutheran Church and School. He will continue serving his Call at St. John’s, St. Mark’s, and St. Paul’s. Please continue praying for the Lord’s blessings on all 4 congregations.
On June 23, Pastor Jason Liebenow received a Call to serve Risen Savior Lutheran Church and School in Milwaukee, WI as their pastor. Please be praying for him and for all four congregations as he considers how to best serve God and his people. Feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts or considerations.
We will be cancelling our Maundy Thursday Service at St. Mark’s for 3/28/2024
God’s blessings! Steve Zambo of Salty Earth Productions is filming a movie about the life of Pastor Rosenau, a detective who ended up being a pastor. They will be working in Florence next week and are looking for people who can be extras in the movie to fill in the background. They need kids tomorrow, Sunday the 17th, for some Sunday School scenes. They will need people from 11am-1pm. They also need people on Wednesday the 20th between 10am-4pm or 2pm-4pm at St. John’s. For that one people can dress as they would for church. They also need people for a wedding scene on Friday the 22nd at the Encore Ballroom in Florence from 4-8pm. They wanted people to dress nicer for that one as if you were attending a wedding and they will provide a meal for that one. Please let me know if you are interested in helping out!
Join us this Sunday (7/23) for our TriParish Picnic!
Please note that this Sunday we will not have any of our normal worship services at the usual times, instead we will be gathering outside of St. John’s in Florence at 10am. After the service we will enjoy a picnic together with our whole TriParish. We hope to see you there!
Merry Christmas!
With the bad weather, we are cancelling our Christmas Eve service at St. Mark’s today. As of right now, we are still having our 6pm service at St. John’s, but watch for cancellation there and please be safe on the roads! We will see about our Christmas Day services. In the meantime, you can watch our Christmas Eve devotion on Youtube here