The Women of St. John’s voted to go on a summer outing as we have in the past. The destination that was voted on was “Princeton Gardens” just west of Felch, MI. It is a lovely development of ponds, rock gardens, flower beds, gazebos, and outdoor dining areas. Thursday, July 17th, 2014 has been selected as the date for the luncheon/outing. The ladies from the Tri-Parish and Mt. Olive will be invited to join us. The cost of the luncheon is $12.00 and will include coffee/tea, dessert, and tax. Tip will be at your discretion. A sign up sheet will be placed at the back of church and needs to be filled out by June 8th. Please be prepared to pay the $12.00 at the June meeting or get the money to Jan Gehlhoff, Treasurer by July 1st. We will be celebrating God’s beauty in nature with hymns of praise in this outdoor setting. All women of St. John’s are welcome!