The Women of St. John’s met on October 1st at 4:30 with 12 members present. After a devotion by Pastor Zeratsky the meeting was opened by Jan Jonet. We then met with Rick Lund, the Council President to discuss the responsibilities of the the Women,s Group and how we could state this clearer in our Constitution and By-Laws. This will be worked on at the same time as the Protocol Manual is worked on. We also discussed how “nice” the church looks and that the 125th Anniversary weekend went perfectly!
In new business, we will be organizing a pasty sale and saving Super One and Econo Foods grocery receipts in order to purchase red paraments for the church. The pasty sale will be October 26 -27. It was voted and approved to send $100 to the Martin Lutheran College – Early Childhood Learning Center which will soon be opening.
The Women of the Church Christmas party is tentatively set for December 8th at Maxsells 1-3:00. Save the date!
The next meeting will take place on November 5th. Snacks will be provided by Shelly Lund. Any concerns or ideas please talk to Jan Jonet or just bring them to the meeting. Everyone is welcome!