Thank you to everyone who has been turning in receipts for our church. Your receipts do make a difference and we encourage you to keep up with this. The receipts that are valid are Econo Foods and Super One, and can be deposited at any time into the jars on the back table. Thank you again for your cooperation and support!
Women of St. John’s Notes
The Women of St. John’s met on Tuesday, June 4th, 2013 at 4:30. After a short devotion by Pastor Zeratsky, Jan Jonet opened the business meeting. In old business – everyone felt that the roses purchased for the altar, then handed out to the mothers on Mother’s Day were a “hit” and something we will consider doing again next year. We also discussed the up-coming church picnic on July 14th and St. John’s 125th anniversary to take place in September.
In new business, it was voted and approved, to send $50 to each of the four WELS families that lost their home during the tornadoes in Oklahoma and to continue to support the BAM (Befriend a Missionary) Missionaries that have been assigned to our Women’s group.
The women have also planned a summer get-together in July. All the ladies are invited to dinner at Gina Marie’s for food and fellowship.
Our next meeting will take place on July 2nd at 4:30. A light snack will be provided by Joyce and Bette. Any concerns or ideas for the agenda, please let Jan know.
Congratulations and God’s blessings to Nathan Krueger and Khloey Krajewski. Nathan was confirmed in our church on June 2nd, and Khloey graduated from Crystal Falls High School. We pray that God continues to guide and bless them through their upcoming endeavors!
June 2013
Spiritual Independence (Galatians 5:1,13-25)
June 30, 2013 – Pentecost 6C
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Heirs of the Promise, Together (Galatians 3:23-29)
June 23, 2013 – Pentecost 5C
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He Who Loves Much Has Been Forgiven Much (Luke 7:36-50)
June 9, 2013 – Pentecost 3C
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There Is Only One Gospel (Galatians 1:1-10)
June 2, 2013 – Pentecost 2C
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Church Picnic
The annual church picnic will be held out at Sunset Lake in Iron River, MI on Sunday, July 14th at 10am. There will be no worship service at any tri-parish church this year, only the one service in the park. There will be a potluck meal following the service, so please bring a dish to share! You’ll also want to bring your own beverages and folding chairs (there are a limited amount of picnic tables available).
Park location:
View Larger Map
From either Crystal Falls or Iron River, leave town on US2. Turn north on Reiman Rd by Luckey’s Sport shop (that’s a left if you’re coming from Iron River, a right if you’re coming from Crystal Falls). You’ll know you’re close to this turn when the speed limit drops to 45. Follow Reiman Rd until you reach the lake. There will be parking to the left and the pavilion just beyond the playground.
Remodeling Help
As our remodeling work continues, we are in the unique position of being able to help out our contractor as he proceeds. Any volunteer work will not only help the project be done sooner, but will be deducted off the final cost of the renovation. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Ryan Chiamulera at 715-587-1024 to see what tasks are available at any given time.
Women of St. John’s Notes
The Women of St. John’s met on Tuesday, May 7th, 2013. The first order of business was to elect new officers. They are as follows:
- President– Jan Jonet
- Vice President– Rachel Egelseer
- Treasurer– Jan Gehlhoff
- Secretary– Barb Chiamulera
Other business includes discussion of the July picnic which St. John’s is hosting this year, also St. John’s 125th anniversary which will take place in September. Jan Gehlhoff and Rachel Egelseer are cochairing the committee to organize the event. They will let us know how we can help out.
The next meeting will take place on June 4th at 4:30pm. Snacks will be provided by Marilyn Dunkel and Jan Jonet. If you have concerns or ideas that you would like discussed, please let Jan Jonet know and she will put the information on the agenda. For next time, please bring your ideas for a summer outing for the Women of St. John’s to possibly do.
WLCFS Counseling
Having trouble coping with something? Proper counseling can be a great help to us in our times of distress. But any counselor without a Christian background won’t know anything about where the real solution to our problems can be found. If you have need of professional counseling, our Synod’s Wisconsin Lutheran Child and Family Services has Christian counselors available. These counselors meet over video-chat so you can interact without having to travel a great distance. And what’s more, the service in our area is available to all our members at no cost. See Pastor Z if you have any interest or questions in using this service.
Congregational Prayer Requests
As believers in Christ, we know the power of prayer for our lives and the lives of those we care about. For many of us it is one of the best ways of offering Christian help and support to others. Our regular weekly bulletin now features a box of prayer requests that concerned members may take home and pray over.
Now, obviously, in order for this to work we need people to pray about. To have a name added to the list, please either leave a message at the church office (715) 528-3337 or e-mail the church secretary ( Please state whom the prayer is to be for, what the prayer is for (optional), and how long we should leave the prayer request on the list (if you know). Most importantly, if you are requesting prayers for someone other than yourself, please be sure to ask permission from the person in question before having them added to the prayer list.