The Women of St. John’s met on Tuesday, June 4th, 2013 at 4:30. After a short devotion by Pastor Zeratsky, Jan Jonet opened the business meeting. In old business – everyone felt that the roses purchased for the altar, then handed out to the mothers on Mother’s Day were a “hit” and something we will consider doing again next year. We also discussed the up-coming church picnic on July 14th and St. John’s 125th anniversary to take place in September.
In new business, it was voted and approved, to send $50 to each of the four WELS families that lost their home during the tornadoes in Oklahoma and to continue to support the BAM (Befriend a Missionary) Missionaries that have been assigned to our Women’s group.
The women have also planned a summer get-together in July. All the ladies are invited to dinner at Gina Marie’s for food and fellowship.
Our next meeting will take place on July 2nd at 4:30. A light snack will be provided by Joyce and Bette. Any concerns or ideas for the agenda, please let Jan know.