Check out the photos from our 125th Anniversary Sunday at this link!
Category Archives: News
St. John’s Remodeling Photos
Interested to see more of how the work progressed during our recent remodeling project? Check out the full photo album this link.
125th Anniversary
Very soon we will begin celebrating our 125th anniversary at St. John’s Lutheran of Florence, WI! We’ve been gearing up for this all year long and it’s going to be an exciting celebration. Our remodeling efforts will be completed and we’ll be able to enjoy our new worship space for the celebration. Our schedule of events for the weekend of the anniversary are as follows:
Saturday, Sept 14th
11am-2pm—Open House at St. John’s Lutheran
12pm-1pm—Lunch served
Sunday, Sept 15th
9am—Anniversary worship with Communion
11am—Anniversary luncheon
We would encourage all our members to be available for the open house, to meet and greet visitors from the community and larger area, as well as to get a chance to catch up with some of our previous pastors who will be in attendance. Please plan on coming if you are able to!
Our Sunday service will be led by Pastor Roekle with Pastor Schwartz preaching, followed by a meal served for all our guests. We look forward to celebrating with you all in just a few weeks!
Vacation Bible School Report
Vacation Bible School concluded this past Friday to great success! We had over 20 children participate in the many crafts, snacks and stories that were prepared by our volunteers. This year, the children took a “road trip” throughout the week and “visited” many famous locations like the Grand Canyon, Disney World and the Statue of Liberty. At each location we learned a lesson about God and the love he has for us all in forgiving our sins by Christ. We thank all those who helped and participated in the event!
For more photos, check out our VBS photo album: HERE
Request for fellowship supplies – St. John’s
We’re running a little low on juice to serve during our weekly fellowship times at St. John’s. If you would like to donate a bottle or two of juice for use during that time, we would much appreciate it!
Women of St. John’s – July Meeting notes
The Women of St. John’s met on Tuesday, July 2nd, at 4:30 with twelve members present. Pastor Zeratsky opened the meeting with a short devotion while the group enjoyed a snack provided by Joyce and Bette. Jan Jonet began the business meeting. In old business – we discussed the up-coming 125th anniversary that will take place in September and how we will be able to “help out”. Our group has agreed to pay for the cake and main food, while individuals will be asked to bring extras such as salads. We will also need people to volunteer to help with either the set-up or the clean-up. More information will be included next month.
In new business, it was voted and approved to send $50 to each of the three BAM Missionaries assigned to our Women’s group. (Interesting information – Jan Gehloff was one of the missionaries – Jonathan Favorite’s – teacher when she was teaching in Minocqua. He was from Eagle River, WI). In other business, we agreed to purchase new coffee pots and any other small items needed in the kitchen before the anniversary in September. Any suggestions, please let Jan Jonet know.
Our next meeting will take place on August 6th at 4:30. Hope to see you there!
St. John’s Seniors
St. John’s Seniors will meet Wednesday, July 3rd and 31st at 10:00 am. If you’re free please join us, as you don’t have to be a senior. We enjoy playing Uno and visiting with each other, so come and have fun with us!
Women’s Outing
The Women of St. John’s invite all the women to join us at Gina Marie’s on July 16th at 5 p.m. to enjoy food and fellowship. Please RSVP to Angie at 1-715-548-1114 by July 14th so reservations can be made.
Midweek Worship Option
With the restructuring of our service times recently, we have obviously removed our midweek Monday night service due to lack of participation. If you find yourself in need of a midweek service, our sister church Mt. Olive in Iron Mountain offers a service at 6:30pm on Wednesday nights. Please feel free to take advantage of this as you need to!
Thank You!
The Women of St. John’s want to thank Bob Gehlhoff and Tom Jonet for all the hours they’ve devoted to our kitchen. We now have a large sink, new stove, and a utility cabinet thanks to the expertise and long hours put in by you two. Thank you very much!