We will be changing the service time at St. Paul’s in Tipler. Previously, it has been on Saturday at 4:30pm. As of July 16th, it will be Sunday at 7:15am.
Don’t Be Surprised (Acts24_10-21)
- 4/30
- Easter 3 A
Don’t Miss Jesus (Matt21_1-11)
- 4/9
- Palm Sunday A
The Life and The Life (John11_17-27 38-45)
- 4/2
- Lent 5 A
Aspire to Slavery! (Matthew20_17-28)
- 3/26
- Lent 4 A
If You Can See This, You’re Blind (John9_1-7 13-17 34-39)
- 3/19
- Lent 3 A
Thirsty? Become a Well! (John4_5-26)
- 3/12
- Lent 2 A
For Us Fights the Valiant One (Matthew4_1-11)
- 3/5
- Lent 1 A
When in the Dark, Remember the Light (2Peter1_16-21)
- 2/26
- Transfiguration A
Loving Christ Means Loving Others (Romans12_9-21)
- 2/19
- Epiphany 7 A
Never Stop Growing (1Thessalonians4_1-12)
- 2/12
- Epiphany 6 A
Shine God’s Light into Your World (1Peter2_9-12)
- 2/5
- Epiphany 5 A
The Worst Christians Are the Best (1Corinthians1_26-31)
- 1/29
- Epiphany 4 A
No Sermon (Guest Preacher Pastor Pries)
- 1/22
- Epiphany 3 A
We are christs (Acts13_38-49)
- 1/15
- Epiphany 2 A
Your Life’s Main Character (Acts10_34-38)
- 1/8
- Epiphany 1 A (Baptism of our Lord)
God’s Selective Memory (Isaiah63_7-9)
- 1/1
- Christmas 1 A
Salvation the Whole World Can See (Isaiah52_7-10 (Christmas))
- 12/25
- Christmas Day
Proof that God is With Us (Isaiah7_1-17)
- 12/18
- Advent 4 A
Don’t Let Your Eyes Deceive You! (Isaiah35_1-10)
- 12/11
- Advent 3 A
True Justice and Peace from a Plant (isaiah11_1-10)
- 12/04
- Advent 2 A
Come, Join the Flood Back to God (isaiah2_1-5)
- 11/27
- Advent 1 A
5 Points on Godly Thanksgiving (thanksgiving)
- 11/23
- Thanksgiving
The King Shows His Power (luke23_35-43)
- 11/20
- End Time 4 C (Christ the King)
Undying Love (luke20_27-38)
- 11/13
- End Time 3 C (Saints Triumphant)
God’s Faithful Work: Our Fruitful Reward (luke19_11-27)
- 11/06
- End Time 2 C (Last Judgment)
October 2016
The Truth Will Set You Free (john8_31-36)
- 10/30
- End Time 1 C (Reformation)
The World Passes Away, But We Remain Forever (1john2_15-17)
- 10/23
- Pentecost 23 C
3 Things Are Certain in Faith (1john5_13-15)
- 10/16
- Pentecost 22 C
Rely on God Who Raises the Dead (2-corinthians-1_8-11)
- 10/9
- Pentecost 21 C
Pastor Mattek Preached (No Sermon Text Available)
- 10/2
- Pentecost 20 C
September 2016
Pastor Buske Preached (No Sermon Text Available)
- 9/25
- Pent 19 C
The Best Investment is Contentment (1-timothy-6_6-16)
- 9/18
- Pent 18 C
The Lost are Not a Lost Cause! (2-corinthians-2_5-11)
- 9/11
- Pent 17 C
Salvation Costs Everything (Genesis12_1-8)
- 9/4
- Pentecost 16 C
August 2016
Be Humble or Be Humbled (Proverbs25_6-7aSermon)
- 8/28
- Pentecost 15 C
God ONLY Helps Those Who CANNOT Help Themselves (Judges7_1-8Sermon)
- 8/21
- Pentecost 14 C
The Prince of Peace’s War (2Kings11_1-3 12-18Sermon)
- 8/14
- Pentecost 13 C
Finding Your True Treasure (Luke12_32-40Sermon)
- 8/7
- Pentecost 12 C