Category Archives: News

Check back often for news from our parishes!

Vacation Bible School

When:   Monday, July 21st to Friday, July 25th, 9:00 a.m to 11:30 a.m.  Each day

For Whom:   All Children from Pre-K to 6th Grade

Theme:   God cares for Noah and for you!  Noah’s Ark

Each day we will show how God cared for Noah and his family and how that passes on to the future promises of God to us.  Our  music, snacks  and crafts will revolve around the ark and God’s promise to Noah and to us.

For more information or to register please call:  Bette M. at (906) 221-3142

Helper volunteers are also welcome on any day!


Summer Service Option

Starting Wednesday, June 4th St. John’s will be trying out a mid-week summer service option.  The format of the service will be more devotional in nature, but will mirror the previous Sunday in content, readings, sermon, etc.  The service will run through Labor Day, so feel free to check it out if you were unable to join us on the previous Sunday!


Women’s Outing

The Women of St. John’s voted to go on a summer outing as we have in the past.  The destination that was voted on was “Princeton Gardens” just west of Felch, MI.  It is a lovely development of ponds, rock gardens, flower beds, gazebos, and outdoor dining areas. Thursday, July 17th, 2014 has been selected as the date for the luncheon/outing. The ladies from the Tri-Parish and Mt. Olive  will be invited to join us.  The cost of the luncheon is $12.00 and will include coffee/tea, dessert, and tax.  Tip will be at your discretion.  A sign up sheet will be placed at the back of church and needs to be filled out by June 8th.  Please be prepared to pay the $12.00 at the June meeting or get the money to Jan Gehlhoff, Treasurer by July 1st. We will be celebrating God’s beauty in nature with hymns of praise in this outdoor setting.  All women of St. John’s are welcome!


Easter for Kids

Easter for Kids will be taking place on Saturday, April 12th from 9am to 11:30am at St. John’s Fellowship hall. All children from pre-k to 6th grade are welcome to join us that day! There will be snacks and songs about Jesus. Also, if you’d like to volunteer your time to help us out, we’d love to have you as well!


New Members

St. John’s has welcomed new members into our fold.  John and Jill Benoit have transferred to us from St. John’s in Grover, WI.  Also, Jenette Chiamulera and her girls Lexi and Lyric Jones have had their long-time transfer officially approved.  Yet, Jenette has a new last name now, as she is newly married to Ryan Gunville as of February 14th.  Congratulations to her and a welcome to all our new members!


New Paraments

The new red paraments are here and they are looking good! The cost of the paraments was covered by a donation in memory of Bill Parker and proceeds from the fall pasty sale. Red is the liturgical color for the day of Pentecost, Reformation and church festivals, so we’ll get to see them in action come June.

Spring Pasty Sale

The Women of St. John’s are offering another pasty sale!  Sign-up sheets are in the back, same process as before.  Pasties will be available for pick-up on Saturday, March 1st between 2-4pm.  Proceeds from this sale will go towards the angel paintings at the front of the church.


Jesus Loves Me Party 2014

On February 12, 2014, St. John’s will be throwing our annual Jesus Loves Me Valentine’s party for all children, age 3-11.  We’ll be having songs, games, crafts and treats.  The party starts at 3:30pm right after school; kids can even take the bus straight here from school, and we’ll run until about 5pm.  Please join us for an afternoon of fun!

Women of St. John’s Notes – Oct 2013

The Women of St. John’s met on October 1st at 4:30 with 12 members present. After a  devotion by Pastor Zeratsky  the meeting was opened by Jan Jonet.  We then met with Rick Lund, the Council President to discuss the responsibilities of the the Women,s Group and how we could state this clearer in our Constitution and By-Laws. This will be worked on at the same time as the Protocol Manual is worked on. We also discussed how “nice” the church looks and that the 125th Anniversary weekend went perfectly!

In new business, we will be organizing a pasty sale and saving Super One and Econo Foods  grocery receipts in order to purchase red paraments for the church. The pasty sale will be October 26 -27. It was voted and approved to send $100 to the Martin Lutheran College – Early Childhood Learning Center which will soon be opening.

The Women of the Church Christmas party is tentatively set for December 8th at Maxsells 1-3:00. Save the date!

The next meeting will take place on November 5th. Snacks will be provided by Shelly Lund. Any concerns or ideas please talk to Jan Jonet or just bring them to the meeting. Everyone is welcome!

Women of St. John’s Notes

The Women of St. John’s met on September 3rd at 4:30 with 12 members present. After a devotion by Pastor Zeratsky, Jan Jonet opened the business meeting. In old business, we made final plans for the Work Bee planned for September 7th and for the 125th Anniversary weekend. Everything seems to be coming along very well!

In new business, a committee is working on a Protocol Manual to be used as a resource for various activities, such as funerals, baptisms, new members, communion, confirmation, etc. This manual will provide steps that need to be taken when something “comes up”. The committee  will including the input of some of the older members who have been taking care of these activities for years.

The next meeting will take place on October 1st at 4:30. Snacks will be provided by Barb Chiamulera. Any new ideas or concerns are welcome. Hope to see you there!